But don’t sell yourself short. Every man is capable of being a great dad! If you are taking time out of your day and spending time with your kids, you are a good dad. If you plan dates with your kids, you are a good dad. It may not come with instructions, but when you boil it down to the basics, it is simple. Be there with and for your kids, treasure your time with them. By spending time with them, you are showing them how important they are to you. Is that it? Of course not. But that is where it all begins.
Take Po for example. He was able to overcome some unique circumstances because of his relationship with this father. With the love and advice from dad, Po came out on top!
The Ad- Council has unveiled a new series of PSAs featuring footage from DreamWorks Animation’s upcoming film Kung Fu Panda 3. The campaign PSAs reinforce the campaign’s award-winning tagline, “Take Time to Be a Dad Today.” And we think that is SUCH an important message for all of the Dads out there.

Need some ideas? Here are a few to get you started:
- Make breakfast, lunch or dinner together.
- Go on a hike.
- Collect props from around the house and take pictures of each other.
- Plan a picnic, even indoors if it is cold.
- Plan a short road trip.
- Create a story together and make a book.
Get creative! The options are truly limitless. If you know someone who is struggling as a dad, share this message. Fatherhood.gov and the Ad Council are asking dads everywhere to make an effort to inspire and support men in their commitment to responsible fatherhood. Involvement in the lives of your kids is essential to their well-being.
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