At our house, it seems we go through a lot of milk. Milk with our cereal for breakfast, milk in cooking and baking and my kids favorite – chocolate milk.
I was recently contacted by Lehigh Valley Dairy Farms to review some of their products. We choose a gallon of vitamin D Whole Milk and a half gallon of TruMoo Strawberry Milk.
I had heard of Lehigh Valley Dairy products before, but I don’t recall ever purchasing them. Admitting this next fact could likely make me the worse mom of the year. Whenever I purchase milk, I typically just grab the cheapest gallon of milk off the shelf. I have friends who tell me I should pay attention to the milk I buy as lots of the milk has nasty stuff in it that isn’t good for you but I kinda just thought milk is milk.
Well, that all changed when I found out about Lehigh Valley milk. Not only does Lehigh Valley milk come in a Pure Protect Bottle but they also have a 5-Point Purity Checklist. Both of these items together and I’m sold. From now I will be buying Lehigh Valley Dairy products, espically when I realized that Lehigh’s milk price was the same as the store brand. So for the same price I had been paying, I will be getting much better milk.
Lehigh Valley milk comes in a white plastic bottle. The Pure Protect Bottle blocks harmful light and protects vitamins in the milk. Did you know that sunlight and or artificial light passing through the milk container not only can change the taste of the milk but it also degrades its nutrition and vitamins? The degrading begins before milk even hits your dairy section at your local grocery and continues until you take that sip. In fact research has proven that milk develops what they termed “off flavors” in just two hours after exposure to light. Now thanks to the Pure Protect Bottle you can drink milk that is fresh and delicious tasting.
The 5-Point Purity Checklist promises the following
- Our farmers pledge not to use artificial growth hormones.
- Milk from cows fed a nutritious diet.
- We reject any milk that contains commonly used antibiotics.
- Tested for quality at every key step.
- Cold shipped from dairy to store within hours.
If Lehigh Valley products are sold in your area, hopefully the next time you are purchasing milk you will consider buying Lehigh Valley. I can promise you won’t be dissapointed.
Would you like to win a $100 Grocery Card? Through Labor Day Lehigh Valley is giving away a $100 gift card. Head over and “Like” Lehigh Valley on Facebook and fill out the required fields to be entered in this giveaway.
Coupon Cutting Mom received one or more of the products mentioned above for free for evaluation purposes. Regardless, all opinions expressed are still 100% my own.
It’s weird that all milk is not created equal! : ) Someone mentioned that to me awhile ago too. When I checked the labels, I was shocked to see that some of them list “nonfat dry milk” as one of the ingredients. I get 2 percent so that’s the one it was on. GROSSED me out! : ) I get mine from Lapp Valley Farms but Lehigh sounds good too.
I couldn’t beleive it either that milk would have nonfat dry milk in. When someone told me that, I was like seriously. That is so disgutsting. I have lots of good things about Lapp Valley. I had some of their ice cream already and it was delicious.