These Friendly’s, Drumsticks, and Nabisco items are from my Giant shopping trip and have a shelf price of $74.05. After sales and coupons I paid $52.45 and then earned 1500 gas reward points. These points equal $1.50 off per gallon of fuel and on 30 gallon fill up they will get me $45 worth of fuel. That means I paid only $7.45 for all these groceries and have some quick snacks for packed lunches and some yummy frozen treats for hot summer days.
The best part about this shopping trip is that I didn’t use a single coupon. This means even if you don’t get the Sunday paper or have a printer you can do a similar transaction. I did use a Spend $50, earn $0.30 off fuel coupon that was in my Giant circular.
Here are the details of my shopping trip: (And in case you are wondering about the 1 Blue Bunny there is no reason except that my daughter wanted it so I bought only 4 Drumsticks and then we were at 5 items with the Blue Bunny.)
Buy 5 Friendly’s Novelties or Ice Cream $2.50 each
Buy 4 Nestle Drumsticks $3.00 each
Buy 1 Blue Bunny Mini Cones $3.00
Buy 5 Nabisco Single Serve or Much Packs $4.99 each
Pay $52.45
Received $9 in gas rewards from Giant circular coupon
Received $12 in gas rewards from Friendly’s
Received $12 in gas rewards from Drumstick/Blue Bunny
Received $12 in gas rewards from Nabisco
Final price $7.45!
Find all the Giant Gas Deals here.
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