After the girls fun pool day yesterday they stayed at their grandma’s house and got to spend the night sleeping in a tent. Since they weren’t at home we couldn’t do a regular Frugal Family Fun activity but since they sleeping in the tent was fun and it was with family and it was frugal, we decided to use for today’s activity.
This was the first time Chloe remembers sleeping out in a tent and for Sammi it was probably about her third time. Camping out is definitely a frugal activity if you enjoy it, unfortunately for our kids it isn’t something that happens real often around here as their parents are not huge fans of sleeping in a tent.
The kids are back home now and when we tucked them in their own beds they said they wished they were sleeping in the tent again tonight. I’m not sure if they really enjoyed it that much or it had more to do with the fact that they love spending time with their grandparents and aunt and uncle. Or maybe it had something to do with the fact that their uncle took them out to Dairy Queen for a bedtime snack before they headed out to sleep in the tent.
Tomorrow we are planning to do a Frugal Fun Family activity at home. It is something July 4th related. Be sure to come back to check it out.
You are so creative.. your kids aren’t going to want to stop doing the frugal fun thing!
Thanks for your comment Trish! I certainly don’t feel creative but you are right about the kids not wanting to stop when the 4 weeks are up.
My kind of camping is putting a tent in the living room ( ; But my kids would want more outside tent time too. Looks fun!