Have you ever microwaved a bar of Ivory soap? If not, then you really should try it, as you will be amazed at what happens. Today for our Frugal Family Fun activity we made Ivory Soap Clouds.
How To Make Ivory Soap Clouds
Unwrap a bar of Ivory soap and place on a piece of wax paper in the microwave.
Microwave for 1.5 – 2 minutes or until bar of soap has puffed to the size of a cloud.
Use caution when removing the “cloud” from the microwave as it will be hot. Isn’t this so amazing? You put a small bar of soap in the microwave for a short time and it puffs up into a huge shape.
I left the kids crumble the “cloud” into a bowl. Note of caution- you may want to do the crumbling step outside as we had soap flakes everywhere.
After the soap was crumbled, I added just enough water to make the flakes stick together. The kids wanted to add some food coloring also. Then we placed cookie cutters on foil and pressed the soap into the molds.
We are planning to let the soap dry for a day and then unmold. The kids are excited to try out the fun shaped bath soap they made.
How fun is that! What a great project…