Let Your Creativity Shine at The Crayola Experience + Discount Ticket Coupon
What child hasn’t spent hours coloring with Crayola crayons and markers? Both of my kids are little artists and love coloring and drawing pictures with their Crayola crayons. My kiddos recently had a day off school, and we decided this would be the perfect time to learn more about our favorite Crayola products by taking a visit to The Crayola Experience.

The Crayola Experience is located in Easton, PA about an hour north of Philadelphia and 90 minutes from New York City. This Crayola attraction was formerly known as the Crayola Factory, but after a recent makeover, it is now renamed The Crayola Experience and is bigger and bolder than ever before. This one-of-a-kind family attraction covers more than 60,000 square feet and is the place where you and your child can do everything from building a custom marker to seeing crayons being made.

The minute my kids spotted the Crayola building, the excitement level soared through the roof. This building is so fun and colorful with Crayola characters and products making a fun outdoor scene. My favorite painting on the building is a clothesline, but instead of clothes flapping in the breeze, it is Crayola crayon wrappers hanging on the line! How cute!

One of the first things we noticed upon entering the Crayola Experience was the World’s Largest Crayon. This huge Crayola crayon weighs 1500 pounds and is 15 feet in length. Talks about a BIG crayon!

The Crayon Factory live theater show features the animated crayon friends Scarlet & Turk along with a “Crayonologist” staff member showed us how crayons are made, why Crayola crayons are so unique and also some little-known facts about these crayons. We learned that there are 2.5 billion crayons made in the Crayola factory every year and that these crayons could circle the globe almost six times! I found it fascinating that every single Crayola crayon is inspected by a real person before they leave the factory. We also learned that Crayola crayon labels are wrapped two times to give each crayon extra strength. At the Crayola factory, the labeling machine labels 180 crayons per minute! Another very fascinating fact was that Crayola makes 200 different crayon colors, but there are only 13 different colors of labels. At the end of this show, every audience member received a crayon to take alone home.

My 9-year old daughter found the Be a Star area a total blast. This area allows kids to design coloring pages where they are the star and then print the pictures. My 6-year old daughter loved coloring at the Colossal Caddy. This area houses a GIANT crayon caddy that contains thousands of Crayola crayons and coloring pages that kids of all ages will enjoy coloring.

The Doodle in the Dark area was one we visited several times because the kids kept begging to go back. Here there were glow markers to draw on large doodle boards. The kids also enjoyed dancing with large crayons in the Move & Groove area.

The Marker Mania was another huge hit with my kids. This section is a one-of-a-kind attraction where you can try your color mixing skill and create a custom marker by injection two ink colors into the marker’s center and then watch as the marker parts come together and your marker is ready for use.

Drip Art, Meltdown, and Melt and Mold where areas where kids got to “play” with melted wax and create funky spin-art designs and making melted crayons into rings and other shapes.

The kids also had a very good time in the Water Works area where they could maneuver and splash their crayon shaped boat through the 85-foot water table. If your kiddos have excess energy to burn off, be sure to head over to The Colorful Playground. This area is a huge indoor 2-story playground complete with slides, climbers and more.

The Crayola Experience is the perfect place for kids of all ages to let their creativity shine. Thanks to Crayola, Coupon Cutting Mom readers can get exclusive discount tickets here. Once purchased you will have one full year to use your tickets. Plan ahead as this would be the perfect place to take the kids while they are on Thanksgiving or Christmas vacation.
Coupon Cutting Mom received free Crayola Experience admission for evaluation purposes. Regardless, all opinions expressed are still 100% my own.
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