As I was reading “The Money Saving Mom’s Budget” book, this sentence jumped out at me, “It has been said, You’ll be the same person you were last year except for the books you read and the people you meet.”
As soon as I read that, I decided then and there that my goal for 2012 would be to read at least 12 nonfiction books. My goal is to read one book each month, after the book is read I will do a short post/review of it. Knowing I have to read a book each month and post about it will hopefully give me the motivation I need to get more reading done. My problem is I love to read but rarely take the time to sit down and open a book.
Some of the books I choose where ones recommend in The Money Saving Mom’s Budget and some were ones I had lying around here waiting to be read.
Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done In Less Time
Organized Simplicity: The Clutter Free Approach to Intentional Living
The Husband Project: 21 Days of Loving Your Man on Purpose and With a Plan
168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think
Saving for Retirement without Living Like a Pauper or Winning the Lottery
I’m planning to read the book Saving for Retirement the month of January.
Thrifty, Frugal Mom ( says
I was thinking that I need to read more books this year too! Looking forward to your review posts and thinking I need to check out some of these books too.
(Have you ever checked out Multanomah Publishing’s Blogging for Books program? You might enjoy that.)
Coupon Cutting Mom says
Thanks for mentioning Multanomah Publishings’s Blogging for Books. I want to check that out more. I’m excited at the thought of reading more this year, just hoping I don’t loose momentum as the year goes along.
Thrifty, Frugal Mom ( says
Well, if you’re like me, the fact that you committed to blogging about it will help keep you more motivated.
The only thing I don’t care for with the Blogging for Books program is that lately they’ve had mostly Kindle edition books available and no hard copy. I don’t have a Kindle so it kind of leaves me out. 🙁
Coupon Cutting Mom says
🙂 that is why I decided to blog about it, I figured that was likely the only way I would actually accomplish it.